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Book Project and Our Caring Community

Thursday, April 13

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Most of the third graders have completed their first ELA MCAS! They deserve a break! The students worked really hard and should feel proud of their first experience with standardized test taking.


Students have a book project due on Tuesday, April 25. Please make sure that your child is reading every night. The book they choose should be a book they have never read before as well as a “just right” book. This is a book that is neither too easy, nor too hard; you can test this by having your child read a page. They should not struggle with any more than 4-5 words on a page.

The book project, which went home on Monday, includes drawing and writing -- please be sure that your child follows the directions carefully. Make sure that s/he has time set aside to do their best work.

Kindness and Caring

In light of the news from the high school and unkind behaviors that I have witnessed in our classroom community, we talked about teasing and bullying today. Students thought about how to prevent it and what to do if they witness it. If you have time over break, talk to your child about how they can help make sure that students are kind to each other and what to do if they witness teasing, exclusion, or physical violence. Brainstorm how to make sure that everyone feels safe, respected, and included.

Have a nice week!

Yours truly,

Jessica Harwood

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